April is a great month to have a birthday. On my birthday I share the day with my cousin, Jon. He is the same age, and born on the same day! Pretty amazing!

I also share April with my sister, Robin, who was born on the 14th!

And my special boy Alex(on the right) who was born on April 16th and Meadow(in my lap) born on April 30th.

Birthday celebrations change over the years. Yes, we grow up, we get older, but the celebrations from year to year hold different meanings for us.
This year is no exception. What a great week and a great day. My colleagues bought me lunch and we actually got to sit down and chat about things other than school for 30 minutes. My students finished their personal essays and we had our writing celebration on my birthday. What a wonderful gift for a teacher who loves writing. My sons called me on my birthday and I imagine I will hear from my cousin who calls every year on 'our' birthday. My sister, Christie sent an email photo card out to all the family and my sister Robin called to chat. My husband bought me two cards, one funny and one sentimental, (he loves to do that). Then we'll go out to eat. And so, another year of birthdays passes. April birthdays, filled with daffodils and sweet songs of birds, of soft breezes and the smell of green grass growing again. It is a perfect month to be born in. A perfect month to celebrate a birthday.